HTML Authoring support on HTTP Servers

Subject: HTML Authoring support on HTTP Servers

I am a novice to the world of Web. I would like to know if there are any HTML 
authoring (editors, etc.) that use special HTTP methods like PUT, LINK, etc. 
to edit an HTML document remotely. Are there any HTTPD servers that support 
this kind of remote editing or annotating?

Thanks much in advance for all the feedback!

| CVR Murthy				                                               |
| Frontier Computers Pvt. Ltd., 	                                       |
| Pune - 411 004, India.		                                           |
| Voice: +91-212-321536                                                    |
| "Did I -?"                                                               |
| "I told you, you could" Kenobi informed him with pleasure.               |
| "Once you start to trust your innerself, there'll be no stopping you"    |
|                                          -- Star Wards, George Lucas.    |

Received on Saturday, 31 December 1994 17:27:55 UTC