Help Needed

Hey W3C Guys:-


On clicking on my site it comes up account suspended and if you right click
on the page for source info it says the suspension was from you guys. 


We as members don't know the reasons why as to its suspension


So I was wondering if you guys could help in finding out if my site can be
sold to me or at what cost?


This is going to sound stupid BUT.


I have found that the site and person who owns the domain are in the UK.


I have asked the site and domain guys below to help who not much response.


Next might be to get a hold of this Paul Hills guy who' 'said own the domain?


Any Ideas since Steve the guy who gave it to me a year ago told me that he
was using a server where he worked to rent domain space?


So I would think that this Paul Hills is from the UK also.


I found all the info on what the guys name was and the server, domain and
host names and contacts at the link below. 


The letters below are some of the contact I've had with the hosts with not
much help?


So if you could find a way to look this guy up & have him contact me.


If you find a way in your spare time (if you have any) that'd be great.


Thanks 4 the help if you can.


Bob Dack 
Edmonton Alberta
Canada T5M 0K1
780 452 0386 






From: Bob Dack [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2010 9:20 PM
To: ''
Subject: FW: in need of help





Sent: Monday, December 20, 2010 2:54 PM
To: 'foryou@HS160.4UH.NET'
Subject: in need of help


Hello Chris or whoever might answer this:-


Is it at all possible that I could buy the domain from him

 as it was kinda given to me by the English guy who no longer wanted to look
after it.

I have no contact info with the last guy "Steve" who gave it to me to run or
this Paul Hills fellow?

If you can help me out in any way that would be extremely wonderful.

(Contact Info, message to Paul Hill or how to re-activated the site.)



Bob Dack





Date: 20-Dec-2010


Hello Bob Dack,


Hi Bob,


You will need to speak to Paul Hills as he is the named customer on that
account and will have received all the billing reminders.







Note to existing 4UH Customers: You should only use the contact form to
request your login information if you have lost it.





4UH Ltd




Original Request:


Hi :- 




I'm Bob Dack Admin.from the address below and was wondering if it was your
org that suspended our account and why?


If this was a billing issue we were never given notice or a bill to pay?






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Received on Monday, 10 January 2011 08:04:13 UTC