Re: [Moderator Action] Missing DTD files

The recommended DTD files for XHTML are missing at W3C. The present message
contains an examination of the case and suggests a workaround. 


For the SYSTEM <>
identifier for XHTML 1.0 Transitional as recommended by Strictly Conforming
Documents <>  the server reply is

Service Unavailable

Content-Location: msie7.asis <> 

Vary: negotiate, User-Agent

And when you try the content location explicitly, you get

Not Found

Therefore, XHTML documents with the recommended DOCTYPE do not validate as
XML.  This misconfiguration is a severe bug and it may cause major
disruption to XML applications worldwide.


1.       the links in Document
<>  Type
Definitions work,

2.       you are free to use any
<>  SYSTEM identifier that
works, although it is not recommended.

Note that all DTDs refer to the invalid location in the usage section.


Why are the DTDs served as text/plain?  They should be served as
application/sgml and application/xml-dtd, as applicable!




Received on Tuesday, 31 March 2009 18:46:21 UTC