XHTML 1.0 Strict and IFrames


I work for a web development company in Northern Indiana, USA. I have 
worked very hard to fight for standard compliance and ensuring 
compatibility across many platforms in my field, and I have defended it 
to many of my colleagues. A question that has been stirring in mind for 
a while now is: Why was the inner frame removed from the specification? 
I understand that with creative CSS techniques or with a different 
doctype I could get away with it, but I am a bit of a purist. A standard 
is a standard to me, but nobody can tell me /why/ it was deprecated. I 
have to wait until XHTML2 before any alternatives pop up.

In many of my applications, I find it desirable to use them in complex 
forms. For instance, I might use one for file uploads. I might require a 
user to upload a series of files before creating a record. This allows 
users to upload multiple files without waiting for a single form to be 
uploaded just to return in failure. This effect /cannot /be reproduced 
without a second document, and using a frameset doesn't make sense for 
an embedded frame. I need a good reason to not use them or at least a 
suggestion on stated problem.



Mike Shelton
Digital Hill Multimedia, Inc.
Ph: (574) 537-0703 ext.15
Fax: (574) 537-9344

Received on Tuesday, 3 April 2007 21:45:50 UTC