Re: Some Notes On XHTML 2

Hi Ryan,

Le 23 oct. 06 à 15:04, Ryan J. Bury a écrit :

>    True, for many cases - however, in the two extra examples I gave  
> (numbered 1 & 2 in my original email to the list), I think there is  
> sufficient difference in meaning.  But if the official  
> recommendation given were to be to use the "cite" tag for these  
> cases, I would be completely happy to do so - just so long as I'm  
> sure that the issue has been at least considered.

For me too, cite is a bit blurry. The way I understood it, it is used  
as a remplacement for HTML3.0’s AUTHOR, not for citing a work— 
contrary to what the common font-style:italic default presentation  
may imply.

>   Part of the elegance (as I see it) of XHTML2 is that each markup  
> tag is very specific in its meaning, and so when using it, I would  
> much prefer to know for sure that the tag I am using will always be  
> interpreted correctly by readers.

I read a lot of “please, don't make XHTML2 a new DocBook”. I know  
DocBook only by name, though. I am neither positive nor negative on  
this question.

>> (for CSS, see lang:not(en)	{font-style:italic} with some upgrades
>> that I suggested some weeks ago, like xml:lang with CSS, :not
>> (current_language) and font-style:reverse)
>    This is a actually a use of the CSS "lang" class I had not  
> considered at all, and does in fact completely solve that problem -  
> thank you for bringing it to my attention!

You’re welcome :) Although, as I stated it between parentheses), it  
doesn’t completely solve the issue. But as far a structure/XML is,  
yes it does :)

</david_latapie>   U+0F00

Received on Monday, 23 October 2006 15:19:16 UTC