Re: Question about XHTML 2.0 and content type

Lachlan Hunt wrote:
 >If you want to use text/html, just use HTML 4.01.  Using any form of
 >XHTML and lying about its content type won't have any advantages at all,
 >it's just a waste of time.

How is it lying to use XHTML 1.0 Strict with a content type of text/html 
if it's allowed in the Specification?'s main page uses XHTML 1.0 Strict as text/html, does that mean 
they're wrong?

HTML 4.01 allows ugly markup, why use it at all?

I can do things like:
<b><u>Hello</b></u> where the markup is mixmatched
and things like:
 <li>Item1 and not worry about closing the element.

XHTML 1.0 provides a much cleaner markup :)

Received on Thursday, 2 February 2006 03:39:39 UTC