Re: [Fwd: xhtml-modularisation : erreur probable dans xhtml-attribs-1.xsd]

Sorry for non-French speakers; my previous e-mail was not meant to be public.

Anyway, once again in English, I propose some modifications of the XML Schemas for XHTML modules that are linked from e.g. XHTML
1.1 schema [].

- [] does not link to XHTML events (such as 'onclick') as it
should (I think).

Lines 48-83 of xhtml-attribs-1.xsd:

<xs:attributeGroup name="xhtml.Common.attrib">
 <xs:attributeGroup ref="xhtml.Core.attrib"/>
 <xs:attributeGroup ref="xhtml.I18n.attrib"/>
 <xs:attributeGroup ref="xhtml.Common.extra"/>
 <xs:attributeGroup ref="xhtml.Events.attrib"/><!-- Line added -->

- As a remark, since it is less an error than a limitation of the Microsoft .NET 2.0 XML Schema engine that I use (see
[]), the XSD for XHTML 1.1 could be updated
[] to make it easier to process by providing at the top level the
schema location of the XHTML data types namespace:

Lines 98-99 of xhtml11.xsd:

<xs:import namespace=""
           schemaLocation="xhtml-datatypes-1.xsd" /><!-- schemaLocation added -->

- Although less official, the MathML example [] could
I think also be updated.

Same issue as above, by providing the schema location at the top level:

Lines 10-11 of xhtml-mathml.xsd:

<xs:import namespace="" 
           schemaLocation="../xhtml-datatypes-1.xsd" /><!-- schemaLocation added -->

I think the following schema location could be updated, to avoid conflicts between MathML and XHTML. By doing so, both use the
same schema for xhtml11-model-1.xsd:

Line 9 of mathml-model-1.xsd:

<xs:redefine schemaLocation="../xhtml11-model-1.xsd"><!-- schemaLocation updated -->

See the attachments of my previous e-mail to get the full schemas.

With the four corrections presented above, I have been able to successfully use the XHTML and MathML schemas under .NET 2.0 on
various test cases.

Alexandre Alapetite

Received on Friday, 7 April 2006 06:22:22 UTC