XFrames comment: Minimizable / collapsible frames?

I recently took a tour of the latest XFrames draft, and I was very
impressed to see the compose attribute include "single" and "free"
values.  The "single" value reminds me of Mozilla's <xul:deck/>
element, and "free" of <xul:stack/>.  Very nice.

That said, one feature which the specification does not cover is
collapsing frames, or minimizing them.  XFrames sounds as if it
intends to treat frames as floating windows within a document. 
Perhaps the user would appreciate being able to hide the window
entirely, or reduce it to just a title bar.  I'd like the working
group to consider this.
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-- Alexander J. Vincent, June 30, 2001

Received on Thursday, 13 October 2005 22:06:26 UTC