The relationship to RDF


I'm reading Steven Pembertons talk:

blockquote cite=""

   We can now say that <meta> and <rel> define RDF triples:

     * 'about' is the subject,
     * 'property' and 'rel' are the predicate,
     * for <meta> the content is a string or XML literal object,
     * for <link> 'href' gives the object.


I like the idea of adding precise semantics to XHTML. Maybe Steven 
simplified things, but I don't think this has anything to do with meta 
and link, because it works with any element. I think this
should be:

   We can now say that 'property' and 'rel' define RDF triples:

     * 'about' is the subject,
     * 'property' and 'rel' are the predicate,
     * for 'property' the content is:
       - a string when there is a 'content' attribute,
       - an XML literal object otherwise,
     * for 'rel' 'href' gives the object.

(It took me a while to realize the difference between 'property' and
'rel', but I think this is it.)


blockquote cite=""

   Now we can just say that

   <p id="p123" title="whatever">

   is equivalent to:

   <p id="p123">
      <meta about="#p123" property="title">whatever</meta>


If this is true then it should be stated somewhere that content of the 
meta element must not be rendered by the user agent.

Sjoerd Visscher

Received on Sunday, 29 May 2005 18:47:32 UTC