Re: [XHTML 2] Embedded Resources containing links

Jim Ley wrote:
> If an embedded resources contain links, what happens when they're 
> executed, does the parent resource navigate to the new resource, or does 
> only the child resource navigate?
> i.e. if we have a document containing:
> <p src="chicken.xhtml"/>
> and chicken.xhtml containing a link to donkey.xhtml, does the paragraph 
> get replaced or does the parent document.

I would expect this to have the same behaviour as this XHTML1/HTML4 

<object data="chicken.xhtml" ... ></object>

i.e. donkey.xhtml would be loaded within object element (or the p 
element in your example).

> Both behaviour is desirable, please provide a mechanism for the author 
> to suggest what happens.

target="_parent" or target="_top" would serve this purpose; but are 
these predefined target values from HTML 4 going to be defined for XHTML 
2, or is XHTML 2 only going to leave all values beginning with '_' as 
reserved and with no defined meaning?

Lachlan Hunt     Rediscover the Web Reclaim your Inbox

Received on Sunday, 29 May 2005 03:28:30 UTC