[www-html-editor] <none>

Steven or Shane,

In response to an action item from the WAI PF meetings last week:

We need to add a comment in the section on nextFocus in XHTML2 as follows:

Whe implementing nextFocus in user agents, the user agent must allow the
user to turn off next focus to default to normal navigation. W3C UAAG
guidelines 2 and 9 requires access to all content and nextFocus could cause
a user to skip a navigable element in the document.


Rich Schwerdtfeger
STSM, Software Group Accessibility Strategist/Master Inventor
Emerging Internet Technologies
Chair, IBM Accessibility Architecture Review  Board
schwer@us.ibm.com, Phone: 512-838-4593,T/L: 678-4593

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.",

Received on Wednesday, 24 November 2004 18:20:17 UTC