Hello to you!

I have a question that needs an answer! I hope you can help me with this.

As you probably know, you can markup an XML using an XML style sheet. Doing so, we can use the browser to see the information that was in the original XML. What I want to know is: can I somehow display data in the XHTML page that is NOT in the xml, but inside another document.

Lets say on my pc I have a document:    C:/MyFiles/myProfile.txt
The "myProfile.txt" file ONLY contains this data "name:  Andy" 

Can I somehow get this data in the XML page, when I open it in my browser, or do I HAVE to put this data in the XML first? 

(I'd expect this somehow should be possible)


Christiaan Hoogendoorn


Received on Monday, 25 October 2004 10:35:15 UTC