Re: WD-xhtml2-20040722: Style sheets

>> The sixth public Working Draft of XHTML 2.0 seems to remove <link 
>> rel="stylesheet"/> as a linking mechanism in favour of the 
>> <?xml-stylesheet?> PI.  However, in section 19.1 <link 
>> rel="stylesheet"/> is being used in the "restype" example!
> Yes, we noticed this problem and we'll work out a better example in
> the next draft.

Ah, so LINK has been removed as a method to point to a style sheet? Why
does STYLE still exists then?

Furthermore, the XML Style Sheet PI has some issues which haven't been
worked out yet, I believe. Like linking towards internal style sheets as in:

   <?xml-stylesheet href="#local" type="text/css"?>
   <foo id="local">

This hasn't been specified completely yet, I believe.

If XHTML 2.0 is dependent on the XML Style Sheet PI is that 
specification going to be revised to clarify open issues?

See also Bugzilla Bug 61675[1].


  Anne van Kesteren

Received on Monday, 30 August 2004 13:06:16 UTC