Re: WD-xhtml2-20040722: Allow separators within navigation lists

The li element has a content model of (PCDATA | Flow)*.

The li element may contain as many instances of plain text, h elements, h1
through h6 elements, address elements, blockcode elements, blockquote
elements, div elements, p elements, pre elements, section elements, and
SEPARATOR elements that you like... even within an nl element.

So, you may already add a separator within a navigation list as you desire.

I personally think that using the li element within navigation lists
provides navigation list items with too much flexibility in their content
model. I would prefer to replace it with perhaps a ni element with a content
model of (PCDATA | separator | nl). By restricting the content model of
navigation list items, navigation list items should be easier to implement
and valid XHTML 2.0 documents could not contain every draft or recomendation
ever produced by the W3C within a navigation list item.

Received on Wednesday, 28 July 2004 08:19:35 UTC