Handlers' nature

Why do handlers have to be elements?
From http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/CR-xml-events-20030207/: "The optional handler attribute specifies the URI-reference of an element that defines the action that should be performed if the event reaches the observer."
From http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/CR-xml-events-20030207/last-call-summary.html: 'handler' should be an idref (not a URI) and reference an <object> 
No. 'Handler' should be able to reference an external handler. We don't define (in this spec) what it points to, to allow for maximum flexibility. A future companion spec will define options for handlers".
What seems logical to me is quite the opposite. If there is some resource identifiable with a URI (a script function, an object with a clsid, whatever) suitable for handling events, why should an element be artificially created to de facto only link to it?

Received on Tuesday, 18 February 2003 15:00:12 UTC