A proposed additional attribute for the <dfn> element

In theory, a user agent could make use of the <dfn> element to provide 
access to that defining instance from elsewhere within that document, 
even if links have not been explicitly provided.  While I am not aware 
of a user agent that provides that facility at present, I can envision 
one that does so, perhaps by providing access via a right click when 
the cursor is over text elsewhere that matches the content of the <dfn> 

However, there could be a set of related words or phrases for which 
that term also provides a definition, even if it is not convenient to 
include that related word or phrase in the content.  This proposal 
gives a way to have that facility also refer to the definition for 
related terms.

Therefore I propose adding a terms attribute to the <dfn> element that 
would take a comma separated list of related words or phrases.


<p>A <dfn terms="children">child</dfn> is a bundle of energy that 
produces both grief and joy.</p>

<p><dfn terms="metainformation,meta-information,meta information,
meta-data">Meta data</dfn> consists of data that is about a set
of data.  Do not confuse with the registered trademark
<a href="www.metadata.com">Metadata</a>.</p>

Received on Sunday, 11 May 2003 22:57:19 UTC