Qestion about "Modularization of XHTMLT. W3C Recommendation 10 April 2001" - "Section D.2.2. Declaration sub-module(s)"

From recomendation text:
An XHTML declaration module should be constructed using the following process:
  1.. Define a parameter entity to use within the ATTLIST of each declared element. This parameter entity should contain %NS.decl.attrib; when %MODULE.prefixed; is set to INCLUDE, and %NS.decl.attrib; plus "xmlns %URI.datatype; #FIXED '%MODULE.xmlns;'" when %MODULE.prefixed; is set to IGNORE.
From following example:
<!-- Define the global namespace attributes -->
<!ENTITY % Inventory.xmlns.attrib
<!ENTITY % Inventory.xmlns.attrib
     "xmlns %URI.datatype;  #FIXED '%Inventory.xmlns;'"

As far as I understand there should be inclusion of %NS.decl.attrib; in %Inventory.xmlns.attrib; in case when %Inventory.prefixed; is not set to INCLUDE, so it should be defined as
<!ENTITY % Inventory.xmlns.attrib
      xmlns %URI.datatype;  #FIXED '%Inventory.xmlns;'"

Received on Wednesday, 7 May 2003 15:19:31 UTC