XHTML Object Module: linking target?



in HTML 4 / XHTML1, there is a grey area in the specification of the 
object element. It would be great if that could be resolved in the 
XHTML2 spec:

There's a page
(XHTML1; let's say it's XHTML2)
on which an object element embeds an SVG.

The SVG contains links. When I click on one of them, the target replaces 
the whole canvas, which is what I want.
But when the object element embeds HTML, then only the embedding box is 
replaced with the target document, as with frames.

The HTML spec is not clear enough about what the correct behaviour is:

1. replace the whole page (I think that would make most sense, since 
thumbnails etc have this behaviour.):
when I click
the linked document fills the whole canvas of the browser


2. replace the embedded object:
When I click on the link listed above, the page and URL would stay, but 
instead of the SVG, it would now embed the linked page.
This is not desired in most cases, and should not be the default 
behaviour, but it should be possible to specify this via some attribute.

Anyways, I think it is immensely important that the XHTML2.0 spec either 
offers means to specify the behaviour, or/and that it specifies a 
default behaviour.

Sorry if I'm missing something, but in any case; in the developer / web 
author world, there is a lot of confusion about what the correct 
behaviour is, so even if this grey area now is specified in a clear and 
detailed way now, it would help to add a simple and clear specification 
with explanation to

If you can't forward this to the working group, please tell me, then 
I'll subscribe to www-html@w3.org .



Received on Monday, 25 November 2002 16:56:58 UTC