WD-xhtml2-20020805: RDF Metadata


I think it would be positive if the HTML Working Group (or another part
of the W3C) could provide more guidance on how RDF should be combined or
linked with XHTML.  Although slightly peripheral I feel some mention of
it in the XHTML 2.0 spec would be beneficial.

For example, one DTD-friendly approach (described by Sean B. Palmer in
<http://infomesh.net/2002/rdfinhtml/>) involves using the <link> element
and the addition of a 'meta' attribute value to link the RDF via an
external file:

    <link rel="meta"    type="application/rdf+xml"
        title="Dublin Core metadata"    href="dublin-core.rdf"/>
    <link rel="alternate meta"    type="application/ntriples"
        title="Dublin Core metadata (N-Triples)" href="dublin-core.nt"/>

(Of course there are other possible approaches too.)

Many thanks,


Received on Thursday, 14 November 2002 16:29:12 UTC