RE: robots.rdf

<OriginalMessage From="Chris Croome []">

Since it's not too late how about someone in the W3C writing a Note
about the use of link="rel"? These are some of the things I'd like to do
with it:

  rel="meta"                  -- RDF metadata for the current document

  rel="meta sitemap"          -- RDF or RSS file pointing to all meta 
                                 data files on the site

  rel="sitemap"               -- XHTML sitemap

  rel="syndication"           -- RSS 1.0 headlines

  rel="alternate syndication" -- RSS 0.91 headlines

Also Mozilla is now using rel="first", rel="last", rel="parent",
rel="top", rel="icon", P3P has rel="P3Pv1", IE uses rel="shortcut icon",
none of which are in HTML 4. 


Yup, even XHTML m12n in XML Schema defines the rel link attr as
(whitespace?) list of NMTOKENs (and not as a sequence of enumerations as
I expected, I guess I should have done my homework):
 <xs:attribute name="rel" type="LinkTypes"/>
<!-- space-separated list of link types -->
  <xs:simpleType name="LinkTypes">
    <xs:list itemType="xs:NMTOKEN"/>

Kindest regards,


Received on Thursday, 10 January 2002 08:14:32 UTC