Re: XHTML Document Conformance (was Re: Unicode 3.2 Released)

> There should be an item 0 in the list of criteria in 3.1 that says: "An
> XHTML document must be a well-formed XML document as per [XML]".
> 'well-formed' is redundant (if it's not well-formed it's not XML) but
> IMHO improves clarity.

The HTML Working Group discussed this issue and were astonished that anyone
might think that XHTML 1.0 demands anything other than an XML document; XML
is used so often in the document...

But anyway, lest there be any doubt, we will change the first occurrence of
the word "document" in 3.1 to "XML document", and I hope that will clear up
any doubt in your mind!

Best wishes,

Steven Pemberton
CHair, W3C HTML Working Group

Received on Wednesday, 17 April 2002 08:40:54 UTC