What's *ahead of* the culture's leading edge?  Farther out than "outside-the-box"?

We bring you seminars and workshops in areas that may be of vital interest to you.  Clear thinking and careful research on topics from alternative medicine to the pre-frontiers of sci/tech to spiritual emergency to psychedelics as therapeutic tools to political alternatives beyond "left" vs. "right" to the UFO in all its exotic high strangeness. And lots more, of course.

There is no other center like this in the USA offering ongoing, congenial meetings in these vanguard arenas.  All the genuine articles that can't be described in familiar terms.

And beyond!

Two- to seven-day sessions at an alternative-friendly inn in the redwoods near San Francisco for very reasonable cost (we're non-profit).

Some of our first workshops are with Deborah Anapol, Bill and Judith Baldwin, Lyn Buchanan (CRV), Mali Burgess, Eldon Byrd, Susan Campbell, Neil Freer, Michael Grosso, Ruth-Inge Heinze, Jon Klimo, Stanley Krippner, Hugh Lovel, Peter Madill MD, Michael Miley, Peter Moscow, Brian O'Leary, Justine Owens & Robert Van de Castle, Lloyd Pye, Beverly Rubik, Leo Sprinkle

To get our website and the full story, please send an email to <ionics@angelfire.com> and type "MORE INFO" in the subject line.

Hope to hear from you,

Ben S. (for the Steering Committee)

P.S. Rest assured, we'll never give or sell your email address to anyone.

Received on Sunday, 23 September 2001 02:18:06 UTC