Request For Information


Could you please direct this request to the proper party? We are an Internet company and would like to find out more about how our services may benefit you. We also outsource design and programming work to other countries. In addition, we have high-speed, low-cost hosting facilities here in the U.S that you may find to your advantage. 

We would like to get some additional information, possibly your media package. If you have an interest, please respond to me at the address below, or visit our web site.

Please send to:

If by e-mail:

If by mail:
WebStream Internet Solutions
Outsourcing Department
2200 W.Commercial Blvd. Suite 204
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 USA

Thank you very much.

Josh Winters

Received on Tuesday, 14 August 2001 17:28:11 UTC