XHTML 1.0 Errata

I'm not sure if this is errate or not.  I'm tempted to think it's correct
use of nested quotation, but it seems strange.

On page 26, Appendix entry C.9 (Character Encoding) of the XHTML 1.0
specification ../TR/1999/PR-xhtml1-19990824 (xhtml1.pdf), the following
declaration is given:

<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content='text/html; charset="UTF-8"' />

Note the single quote ( ' ) before text/html and after "UTF-8".  Is this
proper?  Should the quotes around text/html surround the charset argument
as well?  Is it a property of meta tags that all attributes and arguments
after the http-equiv="huh" part be nested in quotes?  Did I win
something?  Am I asleep yet?

                                        :: Andrew Gullans ::

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Received on Thursday, 1 February 2001 01:39:40 UTC