Missing anchor names in http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-basic/

The Table of Contents has <a href...> tags that point to Anchor's with in
the page.

Example Line 203:
  <li>2. <a href="#s_conformance">Conformance</a>

The line I believe it is trying to point to is 441:
<h2 id="s_conformance">2. Conformance</h2>

I am using Netscape 4.74 as my browser on the Win95b platform.  To get this
type of anchor to work on my site (http://www.newwinecc.org/) I would have
to change line 441 to read as follows:
<h2 id="s_conformance"><a id="s_conformance" name="s_conformance"></a>2.

I am not sure if I would need to list the id again in the <a...> tag or not
so I did just in case. If this code doesn't conform to xhtml 1.0, than I
apologize in advance. But I do know that when I click on the <a
href="#s_conformance"> My Netscape 4.74 browser goes to the top of the page.

Happy coding,

Matt Seaver

Received on Wednesday, 3 January 2001 04:20:58 UTC