Possible errors in HTML 4.01 spec

Hello, I am translating the HTML 4.01 Specification into Spanish and I
have found a couple of problems:


Section 14.2.3, Header style information: the STYLE element

I think that the first three CSS examples are not correct:

H1 {border-width: 1; border: solid; text-align: center}

Shouldn't it be "border-width: 1px"?


Appendix A, Section 1.1, General changes

It reads:
General changes:
- Examples now use dated FPIs.
Shouldn't it be "undated FPIs", as expressed below?
7.2 HTML version information: Use undated, HTML 4 URIs for system
identifiers. These URIs are also used globally in all examples.


Thank you very much,
Juan R. Pozo

Received on Thursday, 7 June 2001 17:38:53 UTC