REC-xhtml-mod-idx-20010410.html & co


i was looking at examples from the xhtml modularization recommendation.
in particular the collection which is available as a zipped file.

In the case of the example named "inventory.xml" I experienced the
following problems.

1. The DTD as a whole would appear to be missing the definition for

<!ENTITY % Inventory.Common.attrib "" >

2. inventory-qname.mod contained an entity declaration

<!ENTITY % XHTML.xmlns.extra.attrib
	"%Inventory.xmlns.extra.attrib;" >

which was missing both quotes

3. inventory-1.mod contained an entity declaration

<!ENTITY % Inventory.Common.attrib
	  id               ID                   #IMPLIED"

which was missing the close quote.


Received on Saturday, 5 May 2001 02:18:50 UTC