Link Request


I came across your site while surfing the internet, and I wanted to drop a line and say how pleased I am with the excellent content and superior layout design of your site.  In light of this, I would like to request permission to add a link from my client’s site to yours.  I would be very honored if you would add a link from your site to my client’s.  My client’s corporate site is a forerunner in developing products and servicing needs in their industry.  However, I cannot give you the URL of my client until I receive permission from you. 

What I am attempting to do is increase both of our website’s visibility through reciprocal links. Although our sites are not completely related, cross-linking would still be beneficial. There are several benefits, one being the obvious click-through traffic potential. Also, quality links pointing to your site as well as mine help boost your popularity rating within popular search engines. That translates into more traffic. 

Please let me know who I may contact, via email or telephone.  It is a pleasure, and I hope that I hear from you soon. 

Florence Smyth 
Link Builder 
explore  contact with your free 2bpop software

Received on Monday, 30 April 2001 17:03:47 UTC