Does "form" element *really* require an "action" attribute?

Monday, Oct. 23


This is to ask if there might possibly be some sort of mistake
in the HTML 4.01 specification regarding the FORM element:

Does it really *require* the "action" attribute?  The reason I 
ask is that someone has told me that when an "onsubmit" 
attribute is present, no "action" is necessary.  I don't know
enough about it to be sure beyond two facts:  (1) the HTML 
4.01 specification *says* that "action" is required but (2) 
some of our code (which I did not write, as I would not know 
how) seems to work just fine without it.  (The only reason I
have gotten as far as asking about this is due to using online 
validators such as the W3C's own to validate our code.)

Thank you in advance for considering this inquiry.

Ed Cannon
Department of Accounting
Red McCombs School of Business
The University of Texas at Austin
(512) 471-6064

Received on Monday, 23 October 2000 18:47:25 UTC