Re: XHTML Tutorial-""

        "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
        "DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"   > 
<html   xmlns   = ""> 
 <title>John Slocket's XHTML page for 4ict12</title>
 <base href = "to be added"/>
 <meta name = "Description"
  content = "John Slocket "/>
 <meta name = "Keywords"
  content = "John,Slocket,XHTML,4ict12"/>
 <meta name = "Copyright"
   content = "1999 LLC"/>


<h1> John Slocket's XHTML page for 4ict12 </h1> 
<a href = ""> 
<img src = "" 
             height  = "31" 
             width   = "88" 
             border  = "0" 
             hspace  = "10" 
      vspace  = "10"
             align   = "right" 
             alt     = "Valid XHTML 1.0!" 
<p>       Note that the layout (with tabs and alignment) is 
            purely for readability - XHTML doesn't require it. 

Received on Friday, 20 October 2000 06:34:32 UTC