XHTML 1.0: 4.1 overlapping


The named section reads:

|    Although overlapping is illegal in SGML, it was widely
|    tolerated in existing browsers.

For me this should read:

|    Although overlapping is illegal in SGML, it is widely
|    tolerated in existing browsers.

Otherwise it implies (for me) that the applications do not tolerate this but
the sentence says it actually is tolerated.
Björn Höhrmann ^ mailto:bjoern@hoehrmann.de ^ http://www.bjoernsworld.de
am Badedeich 7 ° Telefon: +49(0)4667/981ASK ° http://bjoern.hoehrmann.de
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--- Only connect! That was the whole of the sermon. -- E. M. Forster ---

Received on Sunday, 1 October 2000 01:18:27 UTC