no "name" attibute in XHTML

Dear Sir/Madam

Please direct this to an individual who can address the following issue with
XHTML.  Thank you.

Why are you deprecating the NAME attribute? Please consider the following

<a href="foo.htm" onmouseover="document.happy.src='image_on.gif'"
onmouseout="document.happy.src="image_off.gif'"><img src="image_off.gif"
alt="image" name="happy" border="0" /></a>

ID cannot be substituted for NAME or else you get the following JavaScript

document.happy is not an object

Since "name" is necessary for the JavaScript event handler to recognize the
image space, how can you deprecate this attribute? What is your solution?

Trish Holder

Received on Friday, 3 March 2000 12:01:12 UTC