Editorial error in HTML 4.01, 13.1

The word "media type" in HTML 4.01, 13.1:

(1) first bullet in the list:
    *  They fail to solve the more general problem of 
       how to include new and future media types. 

(2) paragraph under the chart:
    The chart indicates that each type of inclusion has 
    a specific and a general solution. The generic 
    OBJECT element will serve as the solution for 
    implementing future media types.

sould be read either "data type" or "content type".

Because the specification says in 6.7:
    Note. A "media type" (defined in [RFC2045] and
    [RFC2046]) specifies the nature of a linked resource.
    This specification employs the term "content type" 
    rather than "media type" in accordance with current
    usage. Furthermore, in this specification, "media 
    type" may refer to the media where a user agent 
    renders a document.

UCHIDA Akira <uchida@happy.email.ne.jp>
Public key : <http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/%7Esd5a-ucd/PGP.html>

Received on Saturday, 19 February 2000 07:21:54 UTC