WAP, WAI and blind websurfers


At the end of this year, lots of commercial firms will probably try to
promote their Wireless Application Protocol. My question is quite
doe there are at this moment some WAI projects regarding the accessibility
for the blind to WAP or by phone (Vocalis system with talking browser)?

Otherwise, in how much languages do the WAI guide is available, and where to
find it?

Last, do there exist any WAI newsletter (newsgroup or mailinglist) that
regularly informs about the evolution of this project, new hints, resolved
problems, new relevant initiatives, W3.org blindfriendly protocol
(XML, why not) aso?

Sincerely yours,

Osvaldo La Rosa
President VZW Audio/Braille
and Moderator of the Carrefour Non-Voyants mailinglist.


Received on Sunday, 9 April 2000 07:21:14 UTC