An error

Dear W3C HTML 4.01 editor,

I have downloaded a W3C HTML 4.01 Proposed Recommendation to read and
found that (if not my mislead) the first 2 lines on page 36, topic On SGML
to HTML, it says that "<!ELEMENT DL - - (DT|DD)+>" means "The DL element
must contain one or more DT or DD elements in any order".

I think that this must be wrong because on the previous page it says that
"A|B means either A or B must occur, but not both".

This should be written like this "The DL element must contain one or more 
DT or DD elements BUT not both DT and DD mixed together"

Am I right?


Pramual Suteecharuwat
Department of Industrial Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University
Phayathai Rd., Patumwan, Bangkok 10330

Received on Friday, 10 December 1999 06:27:50 UTC