Minor error in HTML 4 specification re: multipart/form-data


I believe I've found an bug in the HTML 4.0 specification. It remains in the
4.01 draft, and if there is a further erratum from there I can't see it on
W3C site.

The problem is in the second of the example POST requests in section

(http://www.w3.org/TR/html40/interact/forms.html#h-, at the very

The example includes Content-Disposition headers for two uploaded files
where the
disposition is "attachment". Earlier in it is implied that the
disposition should instead be "file":

> The file name may be specified with the "filename" parameter of the
> 'Content-Disposition: form-data' header, or, in the case of multiple
> in a 'Content-Disposition: file' header of the subpart.

This seems to agree with RFC2388, which says almost the same thing, only in
words that don't actually constitute valid sentences. I don't have a user
agent here that supports multiple file uploads, so I can't comment on
whether this matches common practice, if indeed there is any.

That's all. Pretty minor really, but I thought I ought to tell someone!


Andrew Clover
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Received on Thursday, 9 December 1999 08:26:27 UTC