Possible error in xhtml-1.0 dtd

Dear Reader,

First, thanks for all work in defining and maintaining xhtml.  Its
much appreciated.

If I validate the following:

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
  <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/strict" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
      <title>Virtual Library</title>
      <p>Moved to <a href="http://vlib.org/">vlib.org</a>.</p>

with the nsgml command:

  nsgmls -s -e -g -wall /usr/lib/sgml/declaration/xml.decl page.html

I receive the following errors:

  In entity html included from page.html:2:83
  nsgmls:/usr/lib/sgml/dtd/xhtml-1.0/strict.dtd:97:0:W: unused
  parameter entity "MultiLengths"

  In entity html included from page.html:2:83
  nsgmls:/usr/lib/sgml/dtd/xhtml-1.0/strict.dtd:166:0:W: unused
  parameter entity "focus"

  In entity html included from page.html:2:83
  nsgmls:/usr/lib/sgml/dtd/xhtml-1.0/strict.dtd:885:0:W: unused
  parameter entity "CAlign"

  In entity html included from page.html:2:83
  nsgmls:/usr/lib/sgml/dtd/xhtml-1.0/strict.dtd:88:0:W: unused
  parameter entity "FrameTarget"

  In entity html included from page.html:2:83
  nsgmls:/usr/lib/sgml/dtd/xhtml-1.0/strict.dtd:844:0:W: unused
  parameter entity "TAlign"

Jean Pierre

Received on Saturday, 6 November 1999 11:24:32 UTC