Implementation Query: <MAP> with mixed <AREA> <A> !?

When trying to implement client side image maps in Mozilla, we have hit a

The following is valid XHTML:

   <p><img src="x" alt="text" usemap="#map" /></p>
   <map id="map">
      <p><a href="#a" shape="rect" coords="10,10,20,20">A</a></p>
      <area href="#b" shape="rect" coords="30,30,40,40">B</area>

But, assuming images are disabled or the UA does not support images,
how should the above be rendered?

I need to know what the expected behaviour as we are currently trying
to implement this in Mozilla.

With the content model of MAP in HTML4 this was not an issue, since in
that case AREAs and other content could not be mixed in MAP elements.
Previously, if the MAP contained only AREA elements then the AREA elements
would be turned into a menu and would replace the IMG altogether, and if
the MAP contained mix content then the IMG would be replaced by its alt
text, made inert, and the MAP would be renderered inline where it appeared
in the document.

Ian Hickson
"I take a Professor Bullett approach to my answers. There's a high
probability that they may be right."
  -- Dr Snow; Mechanics Lecturer at Bath University; 1999-03-04

Received on Friday, 22 October 1999 20:55:22 UTC