Re: Content-Document-Type: was (Re: MIME types vs. DOCTYPE)

John Cowan wrote:

>Jonathan Borden wrote:
>>         Please explain what:
>> Content-type: text/xhtml
>>         can possibly do for you that:
>> Content-type: text/xml; doctype=""
>>         cannot do. (Note: the use of doctype = dtd is an example, the
doctype can
>> point to any URI. Just like the XML namespace URI, the doctype URI serves
>> a unique identifier and implies no particular meaning.
>I agree, except that I would prefer to see an FPI rather than (or
>in addition to) a URI.  That would be extensible to HTML as well as
>XHTML, and therefore to the text/html media type as well as the
>text/xml media type.

This is a good idea.

A general way to employ the Content-type header to specify a document type

Content-type: text/xml; element="html"; fpi="-//W3C//DTD XTHML 1.0
Strict//EN";              uri=""

This should apply to text/html, text/xml, text/sgml, application/xml etc.

deja vu all over again :-)

Jonathan Borden

Received on Tuesday, 2 March 1999 15:12:16 UTC