error in the html 4.0 specification for meta

There is an error in the documentation for the meta tag at .
You provide an incorrect example of using the http-equiv=redirect attribute
to redirect to a new url. The example, <META http-equiv="refresh"
content="3,"> , will not redirect, but simply
refreshes the same Location every 3 seconds. The correct syntax for
redirection is:
<META http-equiv="refresh" content="3;url=">
The separator is not a comma, but a semicolon. Furthermore, one must
specify url= if the user agent is to load a new url. Please document this
behavior as part of the specification.

Jeremy Weinberger
2303 Sheridan Rd., #204
Evanston, IL 60201

Received on Monday, 1 February 1999 15:39:02 UTC