HTML 4.0 Specification Errata

Section 10.3 <-- SHOULD READ: 13.6.1 
Image map examples using "poly" have been fixed to form a closed polygon. Also, the last pair of coordinates is the same as the first to close the polygon. 

Section 7.5.6 
For the ADDRESS element, in the section "Attributes defined elsewhere", style and title are missing. 
Section 8.2.3 
In "Authors may also use special Unicode characters to achieve multiply" change to "multiple" at the end. 
Also, after the section on "Attributes defined elsewhere", in "contact information for document", put "a" before "document". 

bold sentence above belongs with entry for 7.5.6 .. not with 8.2.3 

Received on Wednesday, 14 April 1999 11:36:32 UTC