Re: downloading

iruka wrote:
> I was hoping to download the latest HTML 4.0 guide. It looks like it's much
> bigger than before (3.0), but I am not sure how to access the HTML version if
> I am using a MAC (both HTML formats seem to be PC ytpe formats).  Any suggestions?

The HTML version used for this specification is really HTML 4.0. It's
definitely not a "PC type format". I presume you're actually refering to
the downloaded archives:

The first one is a gzip'ed tar file, the second one is a simple zip
file. The former is more unix friendly and the latter is more MS Windows
friendly. This said, there are freely available MacIntosh programs you
can find to deal with both types of archives.

> Thank you in advance for your help, and for the time spent developing these
> guides (they are incredibly helpful!)

Arnaud Le Hors - W3C, User Interface Domain -

Received on Friday, 17 April 1998 11:08:41 UTC