Re: META HTTP-EQUIV Refresh "issue" wrote:
> I've noticed a minor discrepancy in the section of the HTML 4.0
> Recommendation on "The global structure of an HTML document" [1].  The
> section I refer to is 7.4.4 "Meta Data" [2].  Eventually, it gives the
> following example as the correct method for what has been known as
> "client-pull":
> <META http-equiv="refresh" content="3,">
> But, this method does not work in even the newest versions of IE4.x and
> NN4.x.  What does work is a method that I and several of my acquaintances
> have come to rely on and understand as a standard:
> Simply put, I cannot understand why the W3C would purposefully change
> what has become a standard.  I'm thinking it was a simple error.  I hope
> I was clear enough.  If there is a need for further clarification, feel
> free to ask.  Thanks!


Thank you for your comment. We already have this issue on a list
of issues to be resolved by the HTML Coordination Group. Unfortunately,
they're all off in Australia at WWW7, so I don't have a definitive
resolution to this issue. I'm quite certain, however, that the HTML
Working Group would not change the de facto syntax without considering
the implications. I hope to have an answer to this question soon.

Thanks again,

 - Ian

Ian Jacobs / 401 Second Ave. #19G / New York, NY 10010 USA
Tel/Fax: (212) 684-1814          Email:

Received on Tuesday, 14 April 1998 12:20:49 UTC