errata in HTML 4.0

I have found a couple of errors in the HTML 4.0 Specification:

1) Following the link for section 3 of the specification crashes Netscape:


   This is true with the standalone Netscape Navigator 4.03 for Solaris
   and with the standalone Netscape Navigator 4.04 for Macintosh.  Links
   for all other sections do not have this problem.

   There may be a problem with the style sheets, since when I load up just
   the HTML from my local disk, there is no problem.

2) In section 3.3.3, the word "elements" is duplicated.  The sentence,
   under item #3, reads "Element types that are designed to have no
   content are called empty elements elements."

3) There are missing attributes for the <a> anchor element on line 
   line 53 of sgmltut.html:

     <h2><a name="h-3.1">3.1</a> <a>Introduction to SGML</a></h2>

   and on line 117:

     <h2><a name="h-3.2">3.2</a> <a>SGML constructs used in HTML</a></h2>

- jfw

| John F. Whitehead                email:            |
| Cisco Systems                    voice:  408-527-2809             |
| IS Web Infrastructure Team       pager:  800-365-4578             |
| Web Technology Analyst           url:     |

Received on Friday, 19 December 1997 20:57:08 UTC