Re: WD-html40-971024/references.html [was: 24 Oct Release of HTML 4.0 spec]

Dan Connolly wrote:

> struct/text.html:809:rel="biblioentry"
> href="../references.html#ref-ISO88591">[ISO88591]
> *** s/The horizontal tab character (encoded in [UNICODE],
>       US ASCII, and [ISO88591] as decimal 9)/at code position 9
>       in [ISO10646], and [ISO88591]/
> rationale: "encoded" suggest you're talking about character
>         enconding schemes, but you're not: you're talking
>         about coded character sets
> US-ASCII is a charset, i.e. a character encoding scheme.
> We cite 10646, not Unicode, for character code positions. Unicode
>         is only cited for things like the BIDI algorithm.

Hmm... I just found:

"In the current specification,
references to ISO/IEC-10646 or Unicode imply the same document
character set.'

So strictly speaking, my "We cite 10646" is wrong.

But don't you think that, in the interest of consistency,
we use exclusively 10646 to refer to the document character

Dan Connolly, W3C HTML Working Group Chair

Received on Saturday, 25 October 1997 13:29:22 UTC