Re: Possible error

Dave Raggett wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Sep 1997, MegaZone wrote:
> > Section 19.1.3, page 220:
> > In VBScript, the problem may be avoided with the Chr() function:
> >
> >     "<EM>This will work<\" & Chr(47) + "EM>"
> >                         ^
> >                         |
> > I don't believe that backslash should be there in this example.
> Thanks.
> I think the "+" should be an & for string concatenation.

Hmm, I would have thought the other way. The "&" should be a "+" for
string concatenation. But I'm only guessing, I actually don't know
anything about VBScript. It's just that "+" is much more common.

Received on Monday, 22 September 1997 11:28:02 UTC