
Just some comments about the draft HTML40-970917 "straight HTML on line".
First: very good job!
Then: some relationship troubles between files...

 - types.html: ./ in place of ../ before sgml/xxx

 - struct/global.html: types.html in place of langtop.html
 - struct/tables.html: same problem about langtop.html

 - struct/objects.html: types.html in place of lang.html

 - struct/links.html: htmlweb.html in place of sgmlweb.html
                 and: ../ in place of ./ before some references.html#xxx

 - intro/sgmltut.html: same problem about some references.html#xxx
 - sgml/sgmldecl.html: same problem about some references.html#xxx
 - interact/forms.html: same problem about some references.html#xxx
    and (small detail): missing ">" before email:, line 1270.

 - htmlweb.html: references.html in place of refs.html
 - intro/intro.html: same problem about refs.html
 - struct/text.html: same problem about refs.html
 - struct/dirlang.html: same problem about refs.html

That's all, folks... so far...
Thanks a lot for all this work.
Friendly yours,
Pascal Oberti

Received on Monday, 22 September 1997 08:50:29 UTC