INS, DEL, and changes

(Sent only to -editor to avoid spam harvesters, unfortunately...)

Given the www-html discussion on the problems of indicating changes with
INS and DEL, and a suggestion of a new CHANGE or CHG tag, I'd like to
suggest a new attribute for INS, REPLACES instead of another tag:

<!attlist INS
  REPLACES	ID	#IMPLIED -- points to previous version --

It'd work <DEL ID="one">somewhat</DEL> <INS REPLACES="one">just</INS>
like this.  The user agent would be able to indicate revision and
provide a way of seeing the original text.

Whether or not CDATA is appropriate for this attribute is another
question; it might also be possible that pointing to a URL of the
previous revision is useful.  Would it be of value to also add this
attribute to DEL, if it gets into INS?


Received on Thursday, 18 September 1997 18:40:38 UTC