<input type=audio> please

Dave, Arnaud, and Ian,

As a long-time software archetect and computer speech and 
educational software enthusiast, I was dismayed (and somewhat 
alarmed) to miss any mention of the form <input type=audio> 
extension in the HTML 4.0 draft proposal.

I was under the impression from Dan Connoly that this feature 
was under consideration.  If that was the case, was it rejected? 

To recap, the <input type=audio> extension had been proposed 
to source input from a microphone into an audio buffer for 
<input type=file> (RFC-1867)-style uploading as the default 
MIME type "audio/basic".  Someone else proposed the less 
useful <input type=scribble> two-dimensional analogue which 
would allow the uploading of an arbitrary user-generated 
bitmap.  The primary advantage and application of the <input 
type=audio> form extension is in any field of computer speech 
input, which is in full technological blossom now.  For 
example, computer language instruction programs now often 
use speech input to provide feedback regarding pronunciation 
and other practical ability.

Please tell me more about what happened to this idea, 
or please propose it to the working group if it has 
been overlooked thus far.

Sincere regards,
:James Salsman

Received on Monday, 4 August 1997 04:14:24 UTC