Table Backgrounds

I am concerned that HTML v4.0 may not support background textures in

The background element in tables is a very versetile, and potentially
stunning graphical tool.  I use it extensively on my own web pages.  While
I know that it was origenally implemented by Microsoft, Netscape has since
adopted it, and I see no reason that it shouldn't become standard.

I have read the specifications of HTML v4.0 as they currently stand, and if
the background element for tables is in there, I did not see it.  This
vexes me, as I would like to support the standard.

Please reply.  A short answer will do.  Perhapse a name or link to someone
who has the information ready?

Jonathan W. Sodt	(

            Brain-Crushingly Blue

Received on Friday, 18 July 1997 19:36:58 UTC